Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The Time Has Come for Her Transformation
Message from Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 29, 2023

Thus says the Lord:
Darkness already envelops the whole earth, men are dawdling in ephemeral things, not thinking of the salvation of their souls.
Thus says the Lord:
People all, the hour of choice has come: either with Me or against Me.
Beloved Children, live in the time of the end, these are the last hours that you will see the Earth as you know it now, ... the hour of its transformation has come.
This dastardly Humanity must stop and discern, it is no longer time for entertainments oh men, your doom will be dictated by your choice.
Beloved Children, know that God created you with love and to love, do not turn your back on your Creator for He will come back on you, ... like a boomerang.
Embrace your God Love, O men, convert your hearts, put the Light in you, abandon the darkness.
The earth will shake as it has never shivered, from North to South, from East to West. Into the hearts of men shall enter coldness: ... they shall feel what their eyes shall see, ... man shall enter into the consciousness of sin.
God will give every man a chance to be converted.
The time will open new, the choices made at that time, before God, will be of deliverance or punishment.
Beloved Children, I, the Blessed Virgin, urge you, in this last phase, to prepare yourselves. God has decreed His Enough, His intervention is near.
Go ahead My children, prepare your hearts, repent of your sins, ask Jesus for forgiveness! He even today suffered yet another crucifixion because of your sins.
Redeem yourselves by returning to Him, ... now!!!
Ask Him for forgiveness with true contrition of heart.
Embrace Jesus on the cross!
Worship the cross!
Prostrate yourselves to Him who gave His own life for your salvation.
This is true love!
God loves you! He awaits your conversion to give you life in Himself.
Love Jesus with all your heart.
Easter is of resurrection for those who will repent and return to their Creator God.
Source: ➥